If you have had some past involvement with the ANZTAA then perhaps you would like to renew your membership with us. Membership renewal is easily done online: Click the Renew Your ANZTAA Membership button which enables you to login, update your profile and then pay online using POLi Internet Banking, giving you immediate access to all member benefits.
If you have never been an ANZTAA member then we hope you consider doing so. Joining the ANZTAA is also easily done online: By clicking on the button Join The ANZTAA you can create a new profile and pay online using POLi Internet Banking, giving you immediate access to all member benefits.
Life Members:
are those nominated by the ANZTAA Board for outstanding contribution to Transactional Analysis in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Professional Members:
are Certified Transactional Analysts (CTA), or hold a valid training contract with the International Transactional Analysis Association's (ITAA) International Board of Certification (IBOC), or hold a training and/or supervision contract with a TSTA or PTSTA.
Associate Members:
have an interest in Transactional Analysis.
Life and Professional members have both speaking and voting rights at meetings whereas Associate Members only have speaking rights.
Membership fees are an annual payment of $50.00, due on April 1st. There is no pro rata payment if fees are paid later in the year.